Because music is a refuge
In Flanders you have places called Troostplekken where people can go if they need solace. I want to play livemusic at such places on a regular basis.
Everybody needs a place in his life where he can find solace. A place that’s open to everyone and offers some kind of shelter.
The picture above is taken at such a place. It’s a parc called “De Vijvers”. Hidden in the green, installations created by Kurt Vandendriessche, invite people to walk to a next creation that offers shelter. Together with actor and storyteller Peter Lambert I bring a walk in the parc enriched with comforting music and words. The picture below is from the Try-out of the Project in juin 2022.
There isn’t a formula for solace. We play and say what feels right at the moment and atuned to the group.
For the moment I'm figuring out how and where I can get finances for the project. If you are someone or know someone who can help me with that, don't hesitate to contact me. SEE CONTACT